Combat Eco-anxiety
We know how hard it can be to think positively about our planet's future. It can seem overwhelming when we hear many negative and scary news stories about the future of the planet. Let's focus on the positives and see the real change happening and celebrate that!
Inspiring stories
As well as global stories, we want to hear from you too! Has your school been making positive changes for the environment? Perhaps you have been promoting cycling to school or have established a wildlife garden! We would love to celebrate your school's successes in our Positivity Corner. Let us know via [email protected]
Building Empathy and Resilience
Our positive stories provide a special place to come and see that our actions make a big difference! Stories of people working together, problem solving and selflessness create a new understanding of the world that children want to be part of.
Welcome to the Positivity Corner
Every week we will showcase new inspiring stories locally and globally